Publications/Aug 07, 2024

New Issue Analecta Bollandiana 142.1

New Issue Analecta Bollandiana 142.1 lead image

Analecta Bollandiana 142, no. 1 (2024).

The Ethiopic Version of the Story of Mamas the Martyr. Ethiopic Text Edited with English Translation

The paper provides a critical edition, with an English translation, of the Ethiopic (Gəʿəz) version of the Martyrdom of Mamas, a Cappadocian saint martyred during the reign of Emperor Aurelian (270-275 AD). It is included in the collection of the Acts of Martyrs (Gadla samāʿətāt). The version is based on the Greek premetaphrastic Passion (BHG 1019). It is not, however, a direct translation of the Greek text, but – as characteristic errors in some of the names in the text show – it was most probably translated from an Arabic Vorlage. The edition is based on eight MSS preserved in Western libraries, the oldest of which dates back to the 14th cent. 

Nicolas Ier le Mystique, patriarche de Constantinople, commanditaire de la Vita de S. Maxime le Confesseur (BHG 1234, rec. I+II). Avec une étude sémantique d’ἀρχιερεύς et de ἱεράρχης

The ‘hierarch’ (ἱεράρχης) bearing the same name as St Nicholas in the Vita of St Maximus the Confessor (BHG 1234, rec. I), exhibiting the same behaviour as the holy bishop of Myra, and who is said to have commissioned this Vita – composed in Constantinople by the end of the first two decades of the 10th cent. –, can only be the patriarch Nicholas I the Mystic (901-907 and 912-925). This article sets out to prove this assumption by studying the vocabulary and implicit references to the hagiography of St Nicholas of Myra (in particular, the Praxis de stratelatis).