Event Photos
Fourth Boston Byzantine Music Festival
East of Byzantium Inaugural Events
Third Boston Byzantine Music Festival
Second Boston Byzantine Music Festival
The Sinai Palimpsest Project: Piercing the Mists of Time
First Boston Byzantine Music Festival
Changing Landscapes: Urban Space and Economic Life in Saint Paul’s Balkan Stops, 4th-7th Centuries
From Brookline to Byzantium - Student Trip Washington, D.C.
75th Anniversary Jubilee Arts & Crafts
Written Voices: The Spoken Word in Byzantine Painting
38th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference
Ιστορίαι: Remembering the Past in Byzantium
Desert and City: Medieval Byzantine Music of the Holy Land
Imperial Self-presentation and the Byzantine Oikoumene
Kontoglou: The Return of the Byzantine Icon
Mary Jaharis Center Inaugural Celebration