Funding/May 09, 2024

RHS Postgraduate Research Support Grants

RHS Postgraduate Research Support Grants lead image

The Royal Historical Society’s Postgraduate Research Support Grants to historians to undertake historical research. Activities supported include: visiting an archive or historic site, or conducting interviews.

Activities supported include: visiting an archive or historic site, or conducting interviews. This grant cannot be used to support attendance at, or production of a conference.

Postgraduate Research Support Grants are reserved for History students (who are Postgraduate Members of the Royal Historical Society), currently studying for a Masters degree or PhD.

In 2024, grants of either £500 or £1000 per grant (based on the research activity to be undertaken) will be awarded by the Society. 

All applicants are required to be members of the Society.

Closing dates for applications in 2024 are 7 June and 6 December.