Funding/Jul 31, 2024

RHS Early Career Fellowship Grants

RHS Early Career Fellowship Grants lead image

The Royal Historical Society’s Early Career Fellowship Grant scheme provides grants of up to £2000, maximum, for discrete research projects lasting no more than six months.

The focus is on supporting career-building research or activities, and the aim is to provide support to enable researchers to produce a discrete outcome (such as an article or book proposal) with the grant. Applicants must be early career historians in non-tenured positions within five years of submitting their PhD in a historical subject.

There is a great deal of flexibility in how awards may be used. Expenses that may be considered include (but are not limited to) covering living expenses such as childcare, or rent; direct research expenses such as copyright, copying, digitisation or image fees; subscriptions to online resources, and skills training. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, please get in touch if you have any questions.

Eligibility Criteria
For this scheme, applicants will be considered eligible who are:

  • Within five years of submitting their corrected doctoral thesis in a historical subject to a UK institution;
  • Normally resident in the UK;
  • Not in full-time academic employment;
  • Please note that current doctoral students are not eligible for this scheme, and should consider other RHS schemes of financial support which are running as normal.

All applicants are required to be members of the Society.