Looking for Byzantium: Modernism and the Byzantine Cultures

Looking for Byzantium: Modernism and the Byzantine Cultures lead image

Looking for Byzantium: Modernism and the Byzantine Cultures, Istanbul Bilgi University, October 11–12, 2024

The relationship between modernist writing and art, and the many cultures of the Byzantine Empire is long, multifaceted, intricate, important–and understudied. This proposed conference seeks to mount a methodical examination of this relationship. Through focusing on a set of specific scholarly questions, the conference will stir and facilitate the discussion and analysis of different ways in which Byzantine cultures were appropriated and reimagined in the centuries since the end of Byzantium.


Demet Karabulut Dede (dmtkrblt[at]gmail[dot]com
Christos Hadjiyiannis (c_hadjiyiannis[at]yahoo[dot]com
Benjamin Kohlmann