Lectures/Sep 19, 2024

La Pièce Perdue du Discours 18 de Nicétas Choniatès

La Pièce Perdue du Discours 18 de Nicétas Choniatès lead image

La pièce perdue du discours 18 de Nicétas Choniatès: Les relations tendues de l'historien avec le métropolite de Philippopolis Constantin Pantechnès, lecture by Marina Loukaki (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), NHRF and Zoom, September 23, 2024, 6:00 PM (EET)

The Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is pleased to announce the Byzantine Studies Seminar series on Byzantine History, Literature, Art and Archaeology organized by Kostis Smyrlis, Anastasia Yangaki, and Stratis Papaioannou.

All seminars will held in the NHRF Seminar Room (Ground floor) in Athens and on Zoom. Advance registration required for Zoom participation.

Upcoming Lectures

October 14
The professionals of medieval Venetian Crete: Specialization and employment
Charalambos Gasparis, National Hellenic Research Foundation

November 25
Senate, Church councils and concilium regis: The formation of the medieval consultative monarchy in the sixth century
Demetrios Kyritses, University of Crete

December 16
The flight of Alexander and its further symbolism
Ioli Kalavrezou, Harvard University & Academy of Athens