Byzantine Studies Virtual Study Hall

Byzantine Studies Virtual Study Hall lead image

Byzantine Studies Virtual Study Hall, Zoom, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Fall 2024, 2:00–4:00 pm ET

The BSANA Graduate Student Committee invites all graduate students broadly working on late antique and Byzantine materials to participate in a new weekly virtual study hall where grads can come together over Zoom to share their writing or work goals and make progress on their projects in the company of other students. Our first study session will start September 17, 2024, from 2-4pm ET (11am-1pm PT). The virtual study hall will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Each session will be two hours long and will be moderated by a member of the graduate student committee. For the first ten minutes, participants may share their goals for study hall with the group. After this, participants are encouraged to mute themselves and leave their cameras on (if they choose). At the end of time, participants may chat, log off, or share their ideas and progress with peers. 

We hope that this space serves as a way to mitigate feelings of isolation among students no longer situated in campus communities. Whether you are simply away from peers for the semester, on fellowship, or lack premodern colleagues to share ideas and work with, all are most certainly welcome to join this communal workspace! 

Zoom link for Tuesday/Thursday: