Jun 03, 2024

Mary Jaharis Center Announces Grants for 2024–2025

Mary Jaharis Center Announces Grants for 2024–2025 image

The Mary Jaharis Center is pleased to announce the winners of its 2024–2025 grant competition.

Dissertation Grants were awarded to Barış Altan, studying at the Brandenburg Technical University, for his dissertation, "Approaching Byzantine Heritage of Istanbul through Restoration Practices" and to Arsany Paul, studying at the University of Notre Dame, for his dissertation, "The Medieval Coptic Eucharist: Liturgy and Private Devotion in Egypt."

Project Grants were awarded to Dr. Armin Bergmeier, University of Leipzig, for his project, Mapping Transformations in Central Anatolia: An Archaeological Documentation and Survey Project in Akşehir/Philomelion (c. 3rd–13th century CE), and to Dr. Suna Çağaptay, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, for her project, Anaia Reframed: Peeling Back the Layers of Commercial and Urban Narratives.

A Publication Grant was awarded to Dr. Catherine Keane, Eberhard Karls Universität, for More than a Church: Late Antique: Ecclesiastical Complexes in Cyprus. The volume will be published by Brill.

Congratulations to this year's winners!