Hisarbuselik Tragoudi & Nişaburek Yürük Semai, Second Boston Byzantine Music Festival

DÜNYA performing “Hisarbuselik Tragoudi” (I hoped and I still do) by Gregorios Protopsaltis (1778–1821) and “Nişaburek Yürük Semai” (Angelic beauty) by Georgios Soutzos (18th century) at the second Boston Byzantine Music Festival, November 14–15, 2014. Both are Phanariot songs, music composed and sung by musicians born in and/or living in the Phanar district of Constantinople. Composers of this music combined Turkish/Arabic makams, Byzantine modes, and French verse to create a distinctive genre. Over 420 examples are preserved in post-Byzantine manuscripts. DÜNYA is accompanied by by Holy Cross St. Romanos the Melodist Byzantine Choir.