
Propylaeum–eBOOKS image

Last updated: 8/6/20

Propylaeum–eBOOKS is the Open Access publication platform by Propylaeum (the DFG-funded Specialised Information Service of Classical Studies maintained by Heidelberg University Library) for scientific ebooks on Classical Studies.

Propylaeum–eBOOKS supports the Open Access publishing model for distributing research results and publish therefore primary publications (“gold”) as well as secondary publications (“green”). The service is free of charge and aimed at academics from all over the world.

Propylaeum–eBOOKS publishes monographs as well as series from all research fields.

Propylaeum–eBOOKS publishes the series Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident. Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident serves as the publication organ of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Mainz research programme dedicated to Byzantium, focused on Byzantium‘s role in bridging east and west, and in facilitating cultural transfer and how it was perceived by other cultures, from antiquity until the modern era. The methods and objects of investigation of the disciplines concerned with Byzantium are combined across the boundaries of traditional individual subjects to provide novel perspectives and approaches to research into Byzantium and its material and immaterial culture.

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