A Digital Corpus of Early Christian Churches and Monasteries in the Holy Land

A Digital Corpus of Early Christian Churches and Monasteries in the Holy Land image

Last updated: 8/11/23

A Digital Corpus of Early Christian Churches and Monasteries in the Holy Land aims to compile all published data on the Early Christian churches and monasteries of the Holy Land. The initial project, financed by the Israel Science Foundation, ran from October 2014 to September 2020. It includes material from the Constantinian period up to the Abbasid period in the three provinces of Palaestina (excluding sites in present-day Jordan).

The Digital Corpus is divided into eight sections: Churches, Monasteries, Literary Sources, Epigraphy, floor and wall Decorations, decorative Architectural Members, and Bibliography. Images and/or site plans are included when available. Sites are plotted on a calibrated Google Map that allows plain, terrain, or satellite views and can be overlaid with six additional layers (Roman Roads, Urban territories/Bishoprics, Precipitation, Lithography, Springs, and Streams).

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