Sixth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium: A Century of Byzantine Studies in Turkey, Koç University, June 22–24, 2023
As a field, Byzantine studies has gained attention since the 19th century in the West and became an independent discipline after the early 20th century. As the former homeland of the empire, Turkey could not disregard this civilization. The country protected its capital for eleven centuries, and still houses its rich cultural remains. Indeed, influenced by developments in the West, studies of the Byzantine Period began as early as 19th century in the Ottoman Empire, albeit initially conducted by the Western scholars. With the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923, studies regarding the country’s ancient past gained momentum. Although Byzantine Period was neglected in the beginning of the 20th century, the following era witnessed significant developments in the field, and, especially by the early 21st century, the field achieved international prestige as concerns its scientific programs. In 2023, at the centenary of the Turkish Republic, we believe that it is a good opportunity to evaluate the extent to which the discipline of Byzantine studies has grown, thus the theme of the Sixth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium has been selected as “A Century of Byzantine Studies in Turkey”.
The aim of the symposium is to examine the historical development process and to discuss the current level of Byzantine studies in Turkey in the context of international studies. Within this framework, it is important to evaluate the écoles and the pioneering scientists shaping the field, Byzantium in universities and public education, the institutionalization of the discipline, archaeological studies, the cultural heritage of Byzantium along with the future of Byzantine studies in Turkey.
In terms of Byzantine studies, Turkey presents a peculiar paradox; while a significant portion of its cultural heritage consists of Byzantine remains, the republic’s national identity falls, to some extent, in opposition to Greek and Christian identities. However, despite decades of disinterest as well as cultural prejudices and ideologic barriers, important steps taken in the 20th century laid the ground for the establishment of Byzantinology in Turkey. The new century has seen a heightened interest in Byzantine tudies, both in academia and among the wider public, while scientific studies have attained universal standards.
The symposium will broadly fall under the following thematic threads:
Byzantine Studies in Turkey from a Global Perspective
These sessions will address studies conducted in Turkey from the perspective of worldwide scientific discipline of Byzantine studies while contributing people, écoles, institutions and contexts will be the focus. The discussions will include the beginnings of the education in Byzantine studies, the processes of development and the spread of the discipline, academic programs, research centers, scientific gatherings, and exhibitions as well as the problems of Byzantinology in Turkey.
Cultural Heritage and Public Perception
Following a long period of neglect, the restoration programs of some Byzantine monuments in the 20th century and later, are well worth assessment. Under this theme, studies that address Byzantine cultural heritage are coming together, including the restoration and conservation of monuments, the digitalization of heritage and issues concerning public perception of Byzantine material and its visual culture.
Byzantine Archaeology in Turkey
The fact that the most significant settlements of the Byzantine Empire, including the capital, remains within Turkey's boundaries demonstrates the great scientific potential of archaeological work on the Byzantine Period in Turkey. The symposium aims to present a general overview of Byzantine archaeology in Turkey, along with discussions on topics such as Byzantine settlements and buildings based on data on obtained from ongoing excavations.