The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World (JIAAW) at Brown University invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Associate in Archaeology and the Ancient World. Exceptional junior scholars who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching, and service are encouraged to apply. Multiple Postdoctoral Research Associate positions will be filled.
We seek candidates who have demonstrated a capacity for innovative research, engaged scholarship, and cross-disciplinary thinking. Geographic area is open, though some preference will be given to scholars who work on the archaeology of the Mediterranean, Egypt, and/or surrounding regions of the Middle East and North Africa. Time period is open. While the boundaries of the search are flexible, we are especially interested in applicants who can partner with a JIAAW Academic Faculty member who will serve as their mentor during their time at Brown. Such common ground can include shared or complementary methodological expertise, geographic/temporal focus, theoretical interests, and/or past or future research collaboration. Applicants must have normally received their doctorate within the last five years, and the Ph.D. must be in hand prior to July 1, 2025.
In addition to pursuing their research, successful candidates will be expected to teach one course per semester. Teaching may be at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; interdisciplinary offerings are desirable. Historically, successful postdocs have advanced the mission of the JIAAW not only through their research and teaching, but by organizing reading or working groups, organizing small conferences, inviting speakers, and initiating new interdisciplinary or community connections.
These will be two-year positions (non-renewable) beginning on July 1, 2025.